

I made it for my Mama.

UPDATE:  I've gotten so many emails asking where I got this fabric, I figured I would just post it.  I got it here.  Yup, it's from Walmart.  I bought it in the store, not online.  There is also a black version.  Good luck, hope you find it!

Isn't that a bad rap song or something?  No, no, no..."I got it from my Mama..."  Okay, I'll stop.

I made my first gift!  Mother's day was approaching and I knew I wanted to make my mom something that didn't include spray painted macaroni or my hand pressed into clay. Think, think, think.

My mom and dad often take quick, long-weekend vacations to an island near by (we live in Florida) where there are no cars!  So cool right?  You can only get around by bike or golf cart.  So, I decided upon a beach bag.  I used my ballet bag (tutorial from Simply Modern Mom) as a base for the design but made it much larger/wider, added a closure, and changed the handle.

Because I knew I would forget to take pictures of my mom with the bag, and because I knew we would be in a poorly lit restaurant when I gave it to her, I asked my friend Christy to model for me the day before so you could get a sense of the scale.  I must say, lovely elbow. : )
The closure is actually a snap.  I sewed the button over top just for looks.  Maybe soon I'll teach myself real button holes. 
I just kind of winged the flappy thing that the button is sewed to.  I hope it stays on.  Nothing says I love you like a bag that falls apart.
This project took me two nights after the kids went to sleep... so probably like 3 hours total?  I'm sure I stopped and watched a bit of HGTV in there somewhere, ate some cookies, & put a kid back to bed 3 times, so you could probably do it faster. 

Hope your Mother's Day was happy.


  1. Love the bag and your photos! I definitely need to make one of these bags for the beach!

  2. I bet she loved it! So stinkin' cute. You did a fabulous job!!

  3. Lovely fabric choice and great size.

  4. I love love love your bag! Love the fabric, love the size. I bet your mom loved it. You're funny... "Nothing says I love you like a bag that falls apart." Ha! Nice job, and thanks for the nice comment on my blog, too.

  5. Wow, that looks really beautiful! What a great gift to give, I bet your mom loved it! Obviously I love the print as well. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Love the bag and the fabric! Where did you get the fabric from?!

  7. That is a lovely bag and indeed very beautiful fabric too. Must make one myself.

  8. How do you make the bag wider?
