

3 Completely Free and Easy Painting Projects

Do you have some bookshelves that you need to fill? Or a side table that could use a little something? Maybe you're just feeling crafty and in no mood to shower and go buy anything. Chances are, you probably have something laying around you could paint and make look fantastic. Here are 3 completely free and easy painting projects I've used around my house.

1. Paint some branches.
For week 2 of Creating with the Stars back in March, I did the Anthropolgie Knockoff Plate Art. When I was setting up my photo, the right side seemed bare and needed some height and color. Since I wanted to spend as little money as possible (none if possible), I looked for things I already had. Branches! One trip into the yard with some clippers, a coat of leftover spray paint from the Side Chair Makeover, and they were ready for their closeup. Cost: $0.

2. Paint some jars.
For a while my grocery store had a certain brand of spaghetti sauce on sale. I stocked up (don't be confused, I'm not a couponer... no one has coupons for organic kale... getting off track). I bought them not only because I like pasta, and I'm too lazy to figure out how to make my own sauce, but because the jars were really big! I knew I could use them for something. I think we have collected 12 so far. I simply squirted a few colors of craft paint inside and swirled a brush around until they were coated. You could use any jars for this. Different sizes would look cool too. Yay for recycling!

3. Kid art.
Do your kids love to paint? Mine do. They love to paint themselves- their hands, their arms, their faces, their hair... as well as paper. I have stacks and stacks of finger painting masterpieces laying around. Frame some of them. This one my son did when he was 2 and I put it in a crystal frame I got as a wedding gift. It's probably the most expensive frame I'll ever own, framing completely free kid art. Love that!

There you have it. Crafting for free!


  1. fun! A great way to get those kiddos involved :)

    xoxo Jamie || Hello Little Scout

    1. Yep. They love helping on every project. It's pretty much impossible for me to work, blog, and be a mom without combining some of those. Thanks!

  2. Love the free painting projects!

  3. Free art is some of the best! (I just painted some branches gold, myself.)

    And I loved all your projects for the Creating with the Stars contest. My favorite was your plate wall! (Super cool!) It would look great above my fireplace mantel as the wall is painted black.

    1. That would look awesome! We are planning on having a fireplace in our house we are building. You just gave me a great idea on where to put the plates! Thanks!

  4. Looks great!
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