

Personalized Water Bottles for Game Day

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Tide through their partnership with Circle of Moms. While I was compensated to write a post about Tide Plus Febreze Freshness Sport, all opinions are my own.
It's fall! School is back in and sports are starting up. While football will be what's on TV at our house, soccer is my kids' sport to play. Technically it's the "fall" season for soccer, but we live in Florida and nothing about the weather in August is fall-like here. It's going to be hot, sweaty, and stinky, which makes drinking plenty of water even more important. A fun way to get my kids fired up for a great season, and to be sure their water doesn't get mixed up with the rest of the teams', is personalized water bottles. Here's what we did.


  • Plastic Water Bottle (one with a handle or loop)
  • Ribbon
  • Small Wood Letters
  • Letter Beads
  • String
  • Hot Glue

Step 1
Paint wood letters.
You will need 2 of each letter you use. One for the back one for the front. Make sure to paint the front side of one letter and the back side of the other.

Step 2
Cut a small section of ribbon, thread it through the handle of the bottle, and sandwich the ends between the two letters you just painted. Glue with hot glue.

Step 3
String letter beads onto string, and dab a little hot glue on the knots to make sure they stay put.

Step 4
Tie the stringed letters onto the water bottle.
That's it! A simple craft but very functional and one that will get the kids excited about game day.

And once the game is over, and you're stuck with a basket of sweaty soccer laundry, try Tide Plus Febreze Freshness Sport. Seriously, it works great! As a parent that's had to wash the game clothes over and over, sometimes that funk just never quite goes away. (you smell something?) This is specially designed for sports apparel so it'll work hard on those grass and clay stains, as well as leave them fresh smelling! (I'm throwing the cleats in with the next load... those suckers can stick up a closet like nobody's business) See you on the field!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Tide through their partnership with Circle of Moms. While I was compensated to write a post about Tide Plus Febreze Freshness Sport, all opinions are my own.


  1. This is a very cute idea but what about washing the water bottles?

    1. I just realized I didn't address that! On my water bottles, the black part comes off and the straw detaches too. I washed the bottle and straw separately. Then I washed the black part by hand. It's really just rinsing the mouth piece. Wasn't bad at all. :) Maybe attaching the ribbon with velcro would make things easier if a bottle doesn't come all apart like mine.
