Photo from Spring Sale 2011 - Boutique for a Week.
Most people that know me know that I have no problem dressing my kids in Goodwill or thrift store finds. You can find the same clothes and shoes you find at Gymboree, GAP, Target, and elsewhere for under $3 (They just need a run through the washing machine). This wasn't always the case.
When I got pregnant with kid #1, I was clueless. I bought everything new.... EVERYTHING. Furniture, toys, clothes, gear, etc. Oh the money I might as well have flushed. The thought of buying someone else's use toys (EEgad!) for my baby girl was just gross... like gas station bathroom floor gross. Then, the kid came out, and instead of thinking I knew what it would be like to be a mom... I knew what it was like to be a mom. (Harder than I ever imagined, but that's another post). Let the life lessons begin.
I saw how few times she actually wore each outfit (some never got worn), how easy it is to take the cover off the swing and wash it, how quickly the top of her new dresser/changing table got scratched up, how if I bought used, I could get a much better quality item for less than a new flimsy version would cost.
I started to search Craig's List and garage sale after garage sale. That method was okay, but it was a lot of work, time, and driving to find sales with kid's stuff in decent condition. On one of my garage sale outings, I went to an address that I thought was just a garage sale. Turns out, it was a kid's consignment sale. I felt like I hit the jackpot of kid's stuff deals! The giddy-ness was hard to control. Tons of great-condition kids items all in one place. After a few internet searches for kid's consignment, I found Boutique for a Week.
What is it? Let me see if I can sum it up in a sentence. It's a few women who collect good-condition kid's stuff from local moms, rent out a space for a week, set up a "store" with those items, and make it easy for you to shop (and sell) in one place for every kid's item imaginable. Make sense? Here's how they describe it.
Boutique for a Week is held for one week, twice a year. Once in spring and once in fall. I consigned this past spring and made... drumroll..... $250! On top of that, I got rid of a TON of my kid's outgrown stuff and freed up some space in my closets. The best part for me is that I drop it off and they do all the work. I absolutely hate haggling... ask my husband. I'm so bad with confrontation and pushy people... which is what you get at garage sales. At Boutique for a Week, you tag your item with a price, drop it off, and pick up your check when it's over. Simple.
I also shopped. Want to see some of my finds from the spring sale?
First, a pair of genuine Crocs for $4! I think Austin has worn these almost every day this summer. I would have paid more... well worth it.
Next up, a complete outfit from OshKosh. Best part about this one is it has shorts built in. Perfect for daycare. Kaley refers to this outfit as "comfy outfit"... as in, "Mom, can I wear comfy outfit today?" Can't remember how much this one was, but probably less than $5 knowing me : )
I also got, count em, 2 bathing suits for my little dude. One is Old Navy and the other is Circo and I paid $2 each! These have also been worn almost every weekend this summer. I know this past weekend he was neck deep in mud in the green one. Still looks great!
Another great daycare/summer outfit in green... which I love. Don't you get sick of pink sometimes? I know I do. Any cute girl clothes in an alternative color are very welcomed here. This one is from The Children's Place. Can't remember how much this was was either.

Last, and probably the most complimented, is this GAP beach cover up for Austin. It looked brand new when I bought it and I think I paid $4. Woo hoo! I still love it and am sad it's getting a bit snug.
This is just a small sample of what I got. Like I said, these are from the spring sale so they've been well loved by my kids for the past few months. And they have way more than just clothes.
To sum it up, I spent around $60 for a wardrobe full of clothes for both of my kids. Since I sold clothes and gear, I really just traded their outgrown stuff for new stuff and made a little cash.
They also take bedding (I sold my daughter's crib bedding for $50!), furniture, toys, swings, pack and plays, Bumbo seats, bouncy chairs, high chairs, strollers, etc...
The next sale is open to the public September 21st - 23rd at Metro Life Church in Casselberry, FL if you're local. And if you're not, don't sweat. Visit to search for a sale close to you.
Happy shopping.
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