Seriously time. Slow. Down. It is obvious my age-defying makeup can't keep this pace.
So since the blur that was this year is hurling its way toward summer, it's time to say thanks to that teacher that's been along for the ride all the while. These "Thirst for Knowledge" cups are so easy, so quick, and so useful! We whipped up 6 of them (multiple pre-k teachers) in 5 minutes.
All you need are some plastic tumblers with lids and straws and goodies to fill them with. You could do all drink mixes to really stick with the theme but I like to trow in some snacks, gum, nail polish, and chap sticks too. If you really wanted to go big, you could slip a gift card in there too.
Then just print out or draw and write some little flags for the straws. I cut the slits for the straw with an X-acto knife.
And that's it. Like I said, really easy and really fast and sure to impress. Now stop browsing the internet and go pack a lunch or two, check homework, and throw a load of laundry in while you're at it.

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