So a bit of backstory. WAY back in September when it looked like our move-in date was near, I contacted Rugs USA about teaming up for a post. They graciously agreed with a discounted rug and I couldn't wait to get my new living room together! Then life and the move happened and well, it took WAY longer to get my act and the house together than originally planned. But alas, we are here! We are moved in and somewhat settled and the living room is ready (mostly) for it's first official close-up... including my new (now 6 months old!) rug from Rugs USA. Come on in. I'll tell you about it. We have coffee and wine.
You know when you shop online for house stuff and they let you filter by style? Traditional, Modern, Transitional, Eclectic, yada yada. I never use those filters. I really never know what to click and honestly, I think my style is just in the "other" category. Like if it were multiple choice I'd be the sad, you-don't-fit-anywhere, default option. But it's cool. I'm okay with that.Sometimes I love farmhouse, country, traditional rooms and sometimes I love the saturated jewel tones of a bohemian style. I usually tend to shy sway from ultra modern but not always. I love classic lines and patterns but can be a sucker for a good trend too. I love, love, love form but am reasonably practical and realize sometimes function has to trump. My taste is really a hodgepodge, but for me, and our sometimes crazy, busy, dirty, chaotic house, hodgepodge works.
Our new living room is a total mix of everything. The couch was an epic $100 Craig's List deal that had me and my husband digging through a woman's garage to release it from the clutches of lawnmower parts and old bird cages (I checked for rodent poop... all clear). I'm fairly certain it's a traditional relic from the 1950's-ish (60's maybe?) and I bought it long before we moved. Granted, the color is not my favorite (my husband lovingly called it "pee-vomit"... so sweet) but reupholstering seems silly to me at the moment since the current upholstery is is really great shape. I'll just wait for the kids to spill something unforgiving, then we'll discuss options.
I topped it off with a collection of store-bought and DIY pillows that tie the incredibly desirable couch color into the brand new rug. I think this rug was under "Geometic" on so I'm not really sure what style category you'd lump that into. I might venture to say it's a little trendy with the bold lattice pattern but I love how that modernizes my totally old-lady couch. See what I mean!? All over the map.

The drapes are from via Amazon and honestly are great quality for the money (I already have a different pair in my cart for the guest room). I searched long and hard to find 6 panels in a super long length, that would jive with the rug and couch, and didn't require me to take out a loan. I love how the pattern of the drapes is sort of a traditional play on the trendy lattice pattern of the rug. I don't believe Rugs USA is selling this specific rug anymore but I found a few close matches here, here, and here if ya wanna peek.
The lamp was a DIY project from years past when I teamed up with Habitat for Humanity and I'd call it modern with it's thin sleek legs and large drum shade. It's current spot is temporary as I have big DIY plans for the TV wall. Big plans I tell ya. And the Doberman keeping a watchful eye in the background was a Facebook group deal ;).

The ottoman is pretty traditional with it's detailed tufting, however I think the nail heads and charcoal color bring it into 2016... plus the charcoal color totally camouflages dirty footprints which really was my motivating factor on the color choice. The chair is a fairly new purchase topped off with a totally trendy chevron throw. Again, probably temporary in this spot until I get the TV wall underway. And, let's be honest... only for this picture was part of my milk glass collection on display for a vintage touch. Those suckers went right back in the cabinet before the kids returned from school. #reallife

The good part about being a little behind schedule on the "settling in" is that I can tell you how the rug is holding up 6 months in... lemons > lemonade: bam. So here's the play by play. Right after we put the rug down I LOVED it. Totally warmed up the space, great color, great thickness, great size. A couple weeks in and blue tumbleweeds had taken over my house! This puppy shed quite a bit there for a while. Turns out, I had a really crappy vacuum also. haha. Sooo, we just recently got a macdaddy vacuum and a couple canisters of blue fuzz later, this puppy is back in action. It's been spilled on and the dog may or may not have done some bad things on it and you can't even tell! Seriously hard-working rug. I liked my experience with Rugs USA so much that after I got this rug, I purchased another for our office.

While this room is still quite the work in progress, the rug is my jumping off point and I lourvvve it. This is the Beaumont Distressed Adileh Rug in green and it's amazing. It's so soft on your feet... almost like velvet, and the colors are exactly what I was hoping for. Also, it's very low pile so a regular office chair with wheels rolls around with no problems. I may or my not have switched out a more attractive dining room chair for this pic. :) Not to mention shipping was free and it was delivered to my door in days. Also, that desk was $60 on Craig's List. (*Pats self on back) Now for the rest of the room...

Even though the color is technically "green" online, it's really more of a mix of teals and blues.

So there you have it. The first official blog post look at While They Snooze House and all the goodies I've been collecting to fill it with. I've already got a post started on our lighting choices and a few DIY projects in process. Stay tuned!